Friday, October 23, 2009

"You Can Count on Me"~~~~Dedicated to Jemilatu Abdulai's Writing 101 Series~~~~

When a dead end in your life’s journey is all you see,
When the pandemonium of everything crushing on your head is all you feel,
When the noise of life’s gunshots and bullets is all you hear,
When the phrase “it ain’t easy growing up in World War III” is the only thought that cheerfully cruises through your brain,
When all else have failed you
And life has nothing more to offer but a point of no return to you,

You can count on me!

When your smile fades away
The distinct smile that germinates from the cool wind that blows in the middle of your burning summer,
Or even from the burning fire in the middle of your cold December.
When the smile that grows from the enjoyment of your hard labor’s earnings,
Or even from the possession of unlimited yet unwarranted blessings,
Twirls into one that is only an exposure of your adversities,

Trust me, you can count on me!

When that plain smile simply cannot remain unpretentious momentarily
Or eternally,
And it merely becomes phony because life is just not sound,
It ends up only betraying you because it belies your comfort this time round,
And it looks just like an item sold on a black market because it is just not valid,

Still, you can count on me!

I am the only flower that blossoms in your rocky garden.
Even though my roots find it rough to penetrate the stony soil,
Tenderly, I prevail!
When life has gone hay-wire with cacophony,

So, count on me!

Commonly, some people have labeled me their “Gut Instinct”
Others say I am such “A Feeling”
Yet others have captioned me “The Inner Self”
Any of them could be right!
But one constant thing I know,
Is my placidity.

Look out for me. I can only plead with you, because you can count on me!

Like many more others, you may be perplexed by my true identity.
All you need to do is to listen vigilantly for me within your spirit’s heart.
I am unveiling myself to you now only because I, for all time, have loved you!
I am but a subtle voice.

Yeah, you can find me there! Deep within you! And then, you can count on me!

Let me make it known to you
That I am nobody but the voice of the one who knows you inside out
More than you do and more than you ever will.
I have acknowledged you since the beginning of time.
Yes, I am the voice of the one who is ever closest to you more than your clothes.

You can count on me!

Truth be told, I never fade away.
You are free to call me a fountain!
I am the quiet continuous flow
The flow through your life like a living spring.

Keep your ears to the ground. Be wise! For, you can forever count on me!

Yes, this is the peace that resides in the tranquility of your burning heart
Albeit your weariness!
To your troubled ears, I gently whisper my name.
I am the voice of your creator. Can you hear me now?

You bet!

When I call your name, I give you an unwavering faith like I gave to Abraham
When I call your name, I give you a magnificent emotional fitness like I gave to Job
When I call your name, I give you a persistent spirit in prayer like I gave to Hannah
When I call your name, I give you an utterly new identity like I gave to Jabez
When I call your name, I give you a fresh personality just like how I remodeled Saul into Paul!
When I call your name, I give you unparalleled wisdom like I gave to King Solomon!!!

There you go! Listen to your heart and you can certainly count on me!

Yes, the same exact benevolent voice!
The voice that called Samuel in the middle of a dark and eerie night
When Samuel heard me, he could not help but to answer to my call!
If only you can replicate Samuel’s reply
And say to me,
“Master speak thy servant heareth,”

You can! Yes indeed! You can count on me!

-Dedicated to Jemilatu Abdulai's Writing 101 Series

*Also visit Panorama-Blaze


~by Trudy-elsie A.

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