Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In a Blink of an Eye

In a blink of an eye
You lose a friend
A loved one walks out of your life
You are diagnosed with an incurable disease
Your family is completely torn apart
You suddenly feel stuck in life
Your life changes!

In a blink of an eye
You do not know where to turn
You are offered but only the hurricanes and the tsunamis of life
Things get to highest peak of the mountain
Only to arrive at deepest depth of the valley
In a blink of an eye, in a blink of an eye!

It's not like you got a prior warning
Or an alert of some sort
It's not like God sent you an email saying
Oh by the way, next Friday morning
Or Saturday at night, this and that is going to happen
So be prepared

Out of nowhere, it just happens!
Out of the blue, it just appears!
You have no handy manual for it
No expert to consult
No one to truly fully understand
Not even yourself to blame
In a blink of an eye, in a blink of an eye!

Your life heads down south, straight to hell!
But if you can hold on to a mustard seed of faith
And let your patience take over your sorrow
If you can just know, like the way you know your problems
That your life will change
That since you have already seen the worst
It can only change for the better
That no condition is ever permanent
Not even death, because there is eternity after it

If you can hold on to a mustard seed of faith
God will be there to keep you company
And to comfort you, and bring you to your destination
Your happiness will not be postponed
And your joy will be full
It is then, that you will be strong!
It is only then that you can say,
It is well with my soul.

~Poem by Trudy Bartels. 03/11/14

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When I pray

When I pray, I pray to God.
Not the Sistine Chapel guy with the long white beard who appears fearful
That is honestly not who my God is
I pray to the Creator  who is more than I can conceive
Only because He is always greater than I can imagine;
The Divine entity who is my father, my brother and closer than a friend
When I pray, God is always near to give me an ear

To stay on track, I must have prayer
Many a times, my prayer is for love and light
Not just for the person I pray for, but also for me
I make connections with the Divine and the Divine connects with me
When I pray, something wonderful happens
That prayer changes things!
Bless all that I thankfully receive because of prayer
I am always grateful, yes! I am grateful!
I am grateful that I am heard.

When I pray, healing the world starts with me
Through my prayer, I connect with people all around 
I learn that I am not the center of the universe.
I pray for the angry man with the briefcase,
I pray for the weary mother with the toddler,
I pray for the hungry guy sitting by the roadside
I pray for the young lady who is lost.

Of what use and bridge can I be to You
My Lord?
Of what use can I be to the world around me?
May I be safe, may I be happy, may I be strong!
You are the God who sees in hiding
You are the God who sees in the open
Let Your perfect will be done in all I do
May all my life be a prayer offering to You my Maker
This is my prayer, my humble prayer!

When I pray, silence can be prayer, rage can be prayer
When I pray, I find the courage to be true to myself and to my God
When I pray, I believe that there are answers to the questions and problems I put before my Listener
When I pray, I voice out my intention and learn to be still for those answers
When I pray, I believe that God has three responses: "Yes","Wait because I have a better time for it", or "No because I have something better for you."

When I pray, I pour out my heart to God!
When I pray, I learn to say "Father let your will be done!"
When I pray, I learn that I do not have to understand His will, I just have to trust!
When I pray, I learn that I do not have to analyze His will, I just have to trust!
When I pray, I pray with all my heart
When I pray, I know that I am heard.

By Trudy Bartels

Friday, January 10, 2014

Poem By Cynthia Amoah

Hello friends!

I present to you "Flowers Only Bloom On Upper-Eastside" by my sister-friend and lovely poet Cynthia Amoah. Cynthia's poem was inspired by Alvin's story (video below). First, take a look at the story and then listen to Cynthia speak. The story is emotional! The message is clear! The poem is deep! She hit the right spots and it's nothing but the truth. After you've listened to her, say a silent prayer for our generation and please do well to spread the message. Share it!

Cynthia's Poem: Flowers Only Bloom On Upper-Eastside

Alvin's Story: Stop and Frisk Program

Post by Trudy Bartels

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A blessing in hand is worth more than silver and gold

The woman is blessed
Invented her own style
Has no close connections
With men on Wall Street

You see her on the street,
Corner of Broadway and 42nd
Making strides in the concrete jungle
Where people hardly ever stop and stare

Instead, there she is
Beneath a gigantic and tattered hat
Hair unkempt, in coils, like dry leaves
And the smile on her face
Tell it like she got bills in the bank

Every cell in her body
Seems to curve along with her smile
And her radiant face beams
Like sunshine in the morning

Psst! Hey you! Could you turn that excitement low?
She thought someone would call and say
But who has time anyway?
To holler at a lady in low heels?

Edges of her sleeves
Are lose hanging threads
And her skirt and top 
Yes, they do mismatch
Did I hear you ask about her shoes?
Ha! Those are not a pair!

But she stands tall
As you stare
She stands unshaken
Better yet, as you ignore
Try to ask her if she's fine
And she yells back, FANTASTIC!

As if this were the day
That she would finally get
To tell you the tale behind her unspeakable joy

She looks right through you
But neither you
Even know why she glows
Underneath her very rugged appearance

You look down
At your shiny, perfectly symmetrical shoes
And you think to yourself,
Didn't anyone tell her that she needs a reason

Like a house she owns, matching clothes,
Tanned or toned skin, sheen of fashion,
Bank accounts like the galaxies, always expanding
To feel so high, so excited, so joyous?

But the glint in her, speaks loud to you
Asking you questions like
Who are you?
How do you justify you?
What makes you, you?
What makes you truly happy?

The glint in  her eyes, speaks louder to you
Who made you, you?
How do you justify you?
What makes you, you?
What context gave you, you?

The glint in her being, speaks loudest to you
Who are you?
How do you justify you?
What makes you, you?
Why are you even here?

So you get the hint
More like the message
That she does not long for more than
The breath in her and the Creator that gives it
So you get the hint
More like the message
That she longs for nothing
More than the masterpiece that God made her

Because truly, the masterpiece that she is
Is a blessing in hand

A blessing in hand, that is worth more  than silver and gold!

By Trudy Bartels

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Wandering Mind

The wandering mind meanders here and there                  
      Hours may dwindle and seasons may change

The wandering mind fluctuates more than your local currency
      Opportunities may pass and decisions may come

But what keeps you going? I ask in thoughts.
      Where paths may be clogged with thorns
             And hope may fade?

What keeps you going? I ask in thoughts,
      Where lanes may be blocked under construction
            And destinations may be lost in sight?

Interrogations echo in the closure of my mind
      Making confrontations of this nature and the like

The wandering mind retorts
      Reflecting to me, images of words like ego and its kind

It says to me, you may stumble a few times against the rocks
      You may become weary of the counter currents against the shore

But what really keeps you going all along?  Again, I ask.
      Where pain and suffering outweigh every pound of pleasure?

Come and answer if you may, come and answer if you may!

Lo and behold says the mind,
      It is, but divine tranquility that I own
When all around me goes haywire

All along men have turned to me
     They have asked me many a times

When trouble knows no bounds
     And the giant that always stands tall and proud begins to quiver
           And joy has left but the heart is cold

When the soul has become sore,
     Pristine, yet lonely in a crowd

What is there to do? Oh! What is there to do?

That mind you know and own has to be told, says the mind,
     That the peace of the One who has the earth as His footstool
            Must guard your heart and cognizance; body, spirit and soul

Therefore, may the peace of God, which transcends all understanding
     Lead you, comfort you, and keep you well composed.
            May that peace which surpasses all others, restore your faith now and forever more

Poem by - Trudy-Elsie

Date Written 09 -18 -12

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;

If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son! 
By Rudyard Kipling

                                    Post by : Trudy-Elsie
                                                    Time:09-14-12@ 10:00pm